Thursday 14 June 2007

Invites for Sat 30th June now sent

I use gadar 'Favourites' to mark those individuals who have applied for the orgy and are suitable. Two weeks before the orgy, I finalise the list and send invites.

This week I was a bit shocked to find that I had 103 guys on the favourites list.

I think it must be the article in Attitude and the blog which has generated such interest over the last month. I hadn't realised I'd had so many messages (perhaps I'm just getting less fussy?).

It's good to be popular, but the unfortunate part is that I can't squeeze all the guys into my flat, so I've sent invites to 61 guys.

Apologies to those who I took details from, but did not receive an invite. Everyone on the list is suitable to come and as always, it is difficult to whittle it down to the invite list - especially this month with so many guys.

Those who have been invited - you should respond by Fri 22nd. Cheers guys.

Tuesday 12 June 2007

Excuses, excuses

People always pull out at the last minute and I have heard a wide variety of reasons. I prefer people to let me know rather than not turn up, so I'm fairly relaxed about this.

Before the May orgy I had 2 guys withdraw because they had indulged in too much sex. It's an orgy! It's about having lots of sex!

i`m afraid im going to have to withdraw from tomorrow night. this is for no other reason than i had sex this week, and the other guy was quite large - so i can hardly walk as it is! I sadly just don`t think i`m able to put my arse through the pain of more of the same just yet.
i wanted to tell you now rather than just not turn up, as id really like to come to a future one (hopefully with my mate as well, but if not then solo). Its good of you to invite me, and i wish i could have been there
Have a brilliant night - i will be thinking (jealously) of you all there.


I pulled a guy last night, and been fucking like rabbits all day today – my arse isn’t up to an orgy tonight.

Please don’t think I’m a timewaster – I’d love to come to the next party, just didn’t expect to pull last night, hehe.


I'd never had that reason for not attending before, so strange to get it twice. All the guys invited for then June orgy should get in training. You can never have too much!