Wednesday 29 August 2007

Fuck me - I'm famous

Hey, u still having those orgies? Bloody hell

if they were shit I would stop having them

I'd be interested in going but...

I'd be worried the time I went there'd be an undercover documentary crew or someone would croak and I'd be in the middle of an inquest....

it only happens every couple of orgies

you may have seen the channel 5 documentary

Holy crap - u serious?!

About Channel 5 ...

It was called Fuck me - I'm famous

Brian from big brother came and brought a film crew

Em....I haven't had a tv for a while till recently ... but I would've read about it .... irish poofy guy Brian? Ha ha, erection rapidly disappears

we weren't allowed erections as it was going to be on tv

They're still banned right?

tell me, are you really worried about undercover crews and people dropping dead?

or is there a real reason you would be worried?

Not 'out' so I'd be worried my partaking in your event would be exposed in the Daily Mail or a trashier tabloid. Chances would be slim of someone falling off their perch, right, unless it was an oap night...but I like the fantasy aspect maybe, but maybe not being exposed as a gay. See what I have to live with/Ain't easy being me

there would be nowhere for a photographer to hide! It's at my flat and we're not breaking the law.

if the cops busted in, could u pretend I'm your cousin or something and just crashed at your place for the night

that's fine as long as my cousin isn't staying over

I don't think you're ready for an orgy at this point of embracing your sexuality!

Well, I have a reckless streak...and I tend to dive right into things, perhaps also a group of hot, naked guys getting it on in your apartment

Do guys pair off or are there bigger sessions, do they all go to bedrooms?

It takes place in the bedroom and lounge, with the kitchen for chilling - there's a combination of guys all over really

Sometimes do u think 'I cannot freaking believe this I'm in my own porn fantasy'?

well, if it was filmed (which it is not) then it would definitely be a best seller

Monday 27 August 2007

Please believe me

how r u??
cool, u?
im good
ar4e u planing a orgy?
next Sat, but full for then
can i go?
watch for future dates and message me then if interested
but can i go to this orgy?
no, it's full
come on
if someone cancel?
I have 38 confirmed, I aim for 20-30 guys, so I build in cancellations
see blog, it goes through all the stats
but can I go???
um, no because it is full
as I've said