Saturday 2 June 2007

All inclusive

I try to create an atmosphere which is friendly and inclusive. I know that it can be a little nerve wracking for guys attending and so I aim to ensure no-one feels excluded.

If someone looks a little left out or uncomfortable once the orgy starts, I always feel a bit concerned. I have learnt not to stress too much about individuals - as it can impact on my enjoyment of the evening. Everyone here is an adult and can look after themselves.

Therefore I look for profiles which seem to be inclusive. This is an orgy - if your profile is so specific about a type or a fetish then this is not the place for you. As I've said before, the best guys who come throw themselves into the experience wholeheartedly with all the other guys who are here.

A profile which was ideal in every other respect had a (quite vitriolic) rant against Americans. No Americans. All of them! This is an orgy with guys from all over the world. How can I invite someone who excludes a segment of the guys here based on their nationality?

Sent : Thursday 26 April 2007 22:50 Hey, I was very much enjoying your profile, but I have guys from the US attending and the bit on Americans sat uneasily with me (would you not consider it racist?)

Received : Thursday 26 April 2007 22:51 lol...not at all...good luck...

There are quite a number of profiles which indicate preferences with respect to race - prefer caucasians, latino, asian, black etc. But when a profile says 'no caucasian, asian, black' - does it make sense for me to invite them if I know that there is a mix of these guys at the orgy?

I saw a profile which said that if you specifically say 'no asians' then you are excluding the largest population of guys on the planet. Based on their ethnicity.

I chatted about this with some friends and they thought I was being over sensitive and PC. They agreed that sexual preference is diverse and cannot be regarded as racist. 'I like Chinese guys , I just don't fancy them.'

I'm not so sure. I send out the list of profiles to guys who have attended after the orgy. How would I feel if one of the profiles specifically said they did not like Scottish guys (ah - that's why they avoided me all night!).

I shall return to this theme. I have a couple more things to say about my efforts to get a perfectly integrated orgy.

P.S. If you don't like the French, then don't apply for this orgy. They're taking over! ;)

Wednesday 30 May 2007

Orgy Pride

It's been pointed out to me by a couple of guys, that Pride London is taking place on Sat 30th June.

The clash was not intended, but it's the only evening I can hold the orgy around that time. Not sure if it will have any impact, I think it probably won't. From memory, I believe I held one last Summer around Pride.

The website says:

The day will start with a spectacular parade from Marble Arch to Westminster in the early afternoon. After dispersal, there will be:
- Rally in Trafalgar Square,
- Cabaret Stage in Leicester Square

What better way to end the day than attending a friendly orgy!?

Monday 28 May 2007

I said, 'No, no, no'

This is a conversation I had a while ago. This guy (his profile is no longer there) had been asking to come persistently.

FFF: so what are you looking for ... any clues?

FFF: like profiles...

FFF: be really curious to know how you make these judgements...

ME: Good looking, sociable guys 18-40, slim/defined/musc. Clear face pics

ME: and yes, it is judgmental = I'm sure I make many mistakes but gaydar profiles are all I have to go on

FFF: and my pictyure isnt clear...

FFF: etc, etc,

FFF: i mean if i was overweight i would understand, or ugly or just seems highly judgemental

ME: what do you want me to say here?

FFF: like why not come along and see...

FFF: that would be a start...

ME: you don't meet the standard of guys who come along, it's as simple and unfortunately, as brutal as that

FFF: what?

FFF: what are those standards...

ME: high!

FFF: like who?

ME: I get a huge amount of interest

FFF: give me an example...

ME: no

FFF: hmmm

FFF: well i don't believe you...

FFF: i know guys who go to orgies and none of them are as you may describe as high...

ME: well that's fine - we both leave happy!

FFF: is there any othe way to be...

FFF: im just curioius to know who these high standards are...

FFF: but i suspect its aobut fuelling your ego...

FFF: and hiding some deepseated inseurity...

FFF: that's alll

ME: does that mean you'll stop applying?

FFF: nope.!

FFF: why should i

FFF: if it fuels your ego...thats good...

ME: thanks!

FFF: so what is your name...

ME: you can call me islingtonorgy

FFF: hahah...

FFF: so what are the entry criteria...

ME: there really aren't any more that I'm hiding

ME: if someone doesn't have safe sex - always then I don't invite

FFF: but you don't know what type of sex I have...

ME: anything 'odd' isn't good, this is a vanilla orgy

FFF: sounds cool to me...

ME: no - but it has to be safe on the profile

FFF: so what makes you think I don't do vanilla

ME: i'm sure you do

FFF: so tell me more about your judgemental processes...

ME: i'm not referring to you - I'm just relaying my general thoughts when looking at an applicant

FFF: I mean I'm curious...

FFF: two people tonight have said Im cute...

ME: you are at the higher age range of the criteria - the guys who come tend to be 'guy next door' sort of look

ME: at my imaginary orgy

FFF: yet you preside over people in an arrogant manner that is bordering on the offensive...

FFF: meaning???

ME: sorry - just trying to answer your qs

FFF: well im still curious...

FFF: i cant be much less ordinary or boy next door than anyone else...

FFF: i work in islington.

FFF: im from london

FFF: and people find me attractive...

FFF: so how come you don't invite me?

FFF: whats the other ingredient others have that I dont?

ME: what do you want me to say that doesn't make me come across as 'arrogant'?!

FFF: well it doesnt sit comfortably with the truth...

FFF: you could say super big dicks...

FFF: or blue eyes...

FFF: or drugs

FFF: or what ever...

FFF: but you make out this is an orgy for cute ordinary people which is how others see me...

ME: you are confident in yourself and that is fantastic - but your looks aren't for everyone (as mine are not to everyone elses)

FFF: and say im not one...

FFF: well as I say its all about your ego...

FFF: and you probably enjoy saying much as having sex...

ME: no

FFF: so why do you persist?

FFF: anyway I gotta go now...

FFF: talk soon...

FFF: bye now

FFF: you can message me with an invite