Thursday 9 August 2007

An inconvenient time

I organise the orgies one at a time. If someone can't make the next date then I ask them to keep an eye on the profile and message me if they can make the next one.

Some guys get really annoyed when I say I hold them every 6-8 weeks, saying I should hold them more often.

I'm a bit lost for words when that happens - it's unbelievable on so many levels. Hold your own if you want them held at your convenience!

This guy was fine about it, but I was just waiting for him to get arsey. I think I've started to assume the worst about people!



hi sorry to bother you..first time on the chat and just clicked to your username - then i opened the profile which i need to say would like to attend some time ..

ok - you can attend on 1 sept then?

no sorry..i m leaving on holiday the 31st of august just a day before and i ll e back on 9th my profile ok to join the next one?

yeah - watch profile for next date and message then

that's cool i guess you have fun these nights

do you do it every month?

yeah, they're always fun

every 6-8 weeks

why not sooner?

other things to do

ok! hope i match - physical appearance with other guests - keeping myself fit on the gym but hope to look ever better since i ll have another 8 weeks time. do i need to send also naked pics as well? You have checked my profile right?

no naked pics needed, face pics get the invites

that's great - i ll be happy to accept one then for your next one..!

cool - well, send a message when next date advertised


Tuesday 7 August 2007

List of participants

I try to make it clear in the profile that I do not send out the list of guys who are coming - either on the long list, the invite list or the confirmed list. If you have seen the stats you will know that it is difficult to predict who will eventually turn up at the orgy on the night.

All I can say is that there will be 20-30 good looking guys on the night.

Of course, just because I say something on the profile does not mean that individuals aren't expecting to receive a list of guys:

would be great if i have the invite and give me list too

Cheers - I don`t give out the list of guys before the orgy (see profile). Let me know if you are still interested.

... no response...

I don't give out a list of guys coming because I would not want to be included in such a list myself. Alot of the guys who come have not been to an orgy before or at least are not regular orgy goers! I think alot of guys are looking for a high quality orgy which is also discreet - and I hope that is what I provide.

Some of the guys who have been have said that they don't mind if I give out their profiles - but it has become a matter of principle for me. I have never given out a profile name to anyone and i never will, no matter how much people plead with me. I hope that the people who want to come feel that they can trust in my discretion and in my ability to pick great guys for the orgy.

Hopefully by making this clear, I avoid guys who just want to have a look at the lists. Yes, I'm sure that if I did give out the lists that many more people would apply. But the drop out rates would be alot higher and I get quite enough messages as it is!

Do you have places left?
yeah - i build long list till 2 weeks b4 and then finalise list
hmm. how do i signal my interest?
have you read the profile?
kind of, but then there were so many words i lost interest. i'm an english grad so I've read far too many already
ah, there are more to come later on if an invite were to arrive
and how would that happen you litle tease?
Here's a highlight from the profile:
Have clear face pics. Either on your profile or sent in an email or message
Let's be honest - I'm up for fit 20sth not fattening 30sth - am i in the right place?
you can see the ages of the guys who came to the last one on profile
you know what i mean tho
the guys who come are good looking and sociable
XXX has quit chat

You're going to have to trust me. I get a huge number of messages. I pick good looking and (as far as i can tell) sociable guys. You'll have a blast!

Sunday 5 August 2007

True lies

Hello, I've read some bits of your blog and found it interesting and, to be honest, a little bit - I can't quite think of the right word - dishonest I suppose. You devote quite a lot of space to describing the reaction from disgruntled refuseniks to your parties. Are you sure you don't get some sort of gratification from dishing out the red cards and then recording the angry response in such detail? I may of course be quite wrong and talking bollocks, in which case please accept my apologies in advance! x

Is the blog dishonest? It's an interesting question - an aspect of which I have been thinking about recently.

In terms of the information and the messages/conversations that I relay here, it is completely honest. I do edit slightly the information to protect identities of individuals.

Do I try to provoke a response in order to document it? No, I try to turn people down politely in messages or in chat. I do use a 'standard' message when turning down guys:
Hey, thanks for message - you don't quite fit what we're looking for, sorry. No offence meant, hope none taken.
Not the most fluent of messages, but I'm really not trying to upset people and I still feel guilty turning them down. (Now I have posted this, I suppose I may as well use the standard turn down message - but I've come to realise that a huge number of guys applying have not actually read the blog.)

This is a fairly innocuous message, but not impolite - therefore the rude responses that I receive would always amaze me - which was one of the reasons that I decided to start a blog (it's not something I can share openly with others!). I learnt to see the funny side of the responses, and hoped that others would too.

In the conversations that I have posted here, you will notice that after I have said 'no', I don't really say that much - I get alot of messages and try to deal with each quickly. However I do answer peoples questions - I don't like to ignore people.

I admit that there are times when I can be brusque (I call it business like - others have called it rude), this is only when people are being deliberately obtuse or time wasting.

However - do the conversations and messages that I post here represent the interactions that I have with the vast majority of guys? Definitely not. And in that respect, the blog probably is dishonest.
It may give the impression that organising this orgy is a constant world of strife. It's not.
The vast majority of guys I turn down don't respond rudely - in fact many are very understanding. I have amusing conversations with guys, interesting exchanges and regular banter. There are lots of great guys on gaydar and I have alot of fun in talking to these guys and hosting the orgy.

So that's what I have been thinking about - should I reflect the high points more in the blog? I shall try.
The trouble is, the messages that I have been receiving from people have been commenting that the conversations/messages are the most amusing bits (rather than my random thoughts), which is why I have been reflecting these in the blog recently.

Readers thoughts are welcome!