Friday 14 September 2007

What happens?

You say there were 25 guys at your last orgy. If the orgy goes on for 4 hours you can spend about 10 minutes with every guy. Is that what happens, or do you just shag the guys you fancy the most? I mean: With how many of the 25 guys would you expect to have sex?

Alot of people ask what happens at the orgies and some comment that I don't really describe the orgies in the blog.

I discussed this with some guys at the June orgy and we agreed that it would be very difficult to describe events. If there are 25 guys at the orgy then there are going to be 25 different experiences and 25 unique stories. Perhaps, I should get all the guys who attend to describe their evening and then I will be able to work out who was with who during the evening.

A video would help I suppose but that's just not going to happen - sorry guys!

The comment which I have reproduced above made me smile. The thought of everyone getting 10 minutes with everyone else sounds quite fun, doesn't it? Ten minute speed shagging and you tick the list of guys you like - it would certainly be an exhausting evening.

Yes, some guys do pair off at times, but this is an orgy and the flat isn't that big. They will tend to be joined by others after a bit and things ebb and flow between a huge group at the beginning to smaller gatherings later on. There's usually a group of guys in the kitchen during the evening but that tends to be the relaxing, drinking corner.

A guy who came to the September orgy sent me thanks and noted that he couldn't get round everyone he wanted to!
you had some really fitties there, ( not saying you didn't on my first one but you know what i mean). didn't get to play with all the lads i wanted but hey just cos its an orgy don't mean you can have everyone you want, even if there was time!

How many of the guys would you expect to have sex with? It depends how mobile you are in the evening! Sometimes it feels like I've been around most guys, but then will look at the list and think, wow - I don't remember much about you!

So you make your own story here. You have sex with as many or as few people as you like. And there's always the next chapter to look forward to.

Tuesday 11 September 2007


I get queries about the type of guy who attends the orgy. My answer is almost always the same; 'good looking guys, 18-40, slim/def/musc. Guy next door is the general look. I try to find guys who come across as sociable'

Are the guys cute? Are they good looking? What do you mean by 'guy next door'?

I answer these as best as I can, but defining what I consider to be 'good looking' is a difficult task. Can you define it?

I can honestly say that the guys who attend ARE good looking guys (in my humble opinion) and I think my answers tend to satisfy these anxieties. 'Those are my criteria' said a guy the other day.

Once I have addressed their concerns and they send their own pics, it is sometimes the case that these are the criteria they look for in other people, not necessarily the criteria that apply to themselves.

There are no pictures of this orgy or the guys who attend, so I recognise that it is difficult to gauge the standard of the guys who attend. I can only reiterate two points - the guys who come are good looking and applications are welcome from all (just remember that I may say no!).

Sunday 9 September 2007

Notes and reminders

OK - it never ends, the next orgy is on Sat 27th October. This is the night that the clocks go back one hour - so an extra hour of orgy goodness (or an extra hour of clearing up - depending on what time it ends!)

I'd like to take this opportunity to remind you guys out there of a couple of things if you want to attend:

  • Notes to all

I am away from the computer MOST of the time. Chat is not a good way of communicating with me. It is best if you send me a message to register your interest. I try to respond to most messages.

I'm sure people know this - but you can check to see if someone has read a message by looking to see if it is in your 'sent' messages. If it has not been read then it will not appear here. Use this before you send me a message complaining that I have not responded to your message (which you sent 2 hours ago!).

  • If you have been before

Remember that you need to apply to every orgy that you want to come to. I was chatting to a guy who had been before and asked why he wasn't coming to the September orgy. He told me that he didn't realise he had to ask.

There have been too many guys attending in the past for me to send invites out to each of them. I do remind guys in the post orgy message that they should apply for future orgies if they want to come.

  • If you have not been before

1. Please ensure that you have clear FACE pics in your profile or attached to a message. As a general rule, if I am more likely to pick you out from a crowd because of your ass or cock, you have got the balance wrong. In fact, cock/ass pics aren't even needed!

My rule of thumb is -could I pick you out in a crowd? And secondly, would I pick you out in a crowd!

2. If you are interested, then communicate with me. If you register interest and I send you a message, don't just ignore it. If you do, then I will assume that you are not interested (which is absolutely fine). When you message me 3 months later asking for an invite I will not send more details.

That's it for now. Starting to fill up - as always it starts with those who have been before (and I start to think that no-one new will be coming!) but over time the balance corrects itself. I am always fairly consistent in having half new and half 'old'. Enjoy the rest of Summer and see you at the beginning of Winter!