Saturday, 17 February 2007

A nice cup of tea

Posted - 17th Feb 07

I don't use tracks that people leave as an indication that someone wants an invite. I always wait for a message.

I do notice that a few people leave a star or a flame and don't ask explicitly for an invite. I guess if someone isn't sure enough to ask then they are unlikely to attend.

It always brings a smile to my face when I see that someone has left a 'teacup' track - they would like to join me for a nice cup of tea. Perhaps during the evening of the orgy?

I know that this is a faceless profile - I see it as a doorway to more information if people are interested. So to leave a track is nice but I'm not sure what it means.
And don't nominate me for sex factor, as some have. What category would I enter? There isn't one for groups!

I'm not a misery - I love tracks on my personal profile and have been known to leave them myself. Cup of tea anyone?

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